Thank you for your payment and registration for the 2020 Taxes Now Conference! We have you on the list and look forward to your participation beginning at 8 a.m. on Friday, June 19, 2020.
You will be receiving an emailed receipt with confirmation, as well.
If you chose to join us in-person at the Grand America Hotel, we look forward to seeing you! If you chose to join our conference online, we will be sending livestream information closer to the event. You can participate in a chat and ask questions of our speakers, as if you were physically at the event!
If you opt to attend in another way than what you selected during the registration process, email and we will accommodate you.
As a reminder, your Taxpayers Association are constantly monitoring recommendations from state and local health departments and industry standards in order to ensure everyone’s safety. We will be following social distancing procedures during the main portion of the event and during the lunch and keynote address.
If we are unable to accommodate all attendees safely in person, the event will be live streamed and attendees can participate, or the event will be postponed. If you have any questions, please email