
: courageously resolute especially in the face of danger or difficulty : not discouraged

  • Merriam – Webster Dictionary

Carefully preserved on a bookshelf at the office of the Utah Taxpayers Association, we have an original copy of the very first newsletter published by the Association in January of 1923.

It is humbling to peruse this newsletter and the piles of newsletters from every month since that day over 101 years ago. With the captions “Economy in the Expenditure of Public Money” and “Devoted to the Interests of Utah Taxpayers” the now yellowed paper contains volumes of history.

They chronicle the same battles over and over –  fighting the insatiable appetite for growth of government, fighting those that feed at the trough of taxpayer funded largesse, fighting the tendency of elected officials to fund what they think is a brilliant idea with other people’s money – in this case the taxpayers, fighting the political expediency of handing out taxpayer funded “candy” to ensure reelection and constantly reminding everyone that government should never be in the business of business.

They also contain hidden gems of wisdom forged in the crucible of watching the slow creep of taxpayer funded government unfold. We have one of them framed on our office wall:

“When new sources of revenue are found, additional ways of spending the public’s money will likewise appear.” – December 1923

Most of all, the volumes of newsletters that were printed and now digital remind us that the Utah Taxpayers Association continues its mission – undaunted. It is difficult to calculate, however it is safe to say that due to the actions of the Association, Utah taxpayers have saved and will continue to save billions of dollars.

While elected officials from small city councils, school boards, Legislators and even the Governor might yell at us at public meetings or insult our integrity on the record (yes, this happens), or vested interests try to intimidate the faithful members of the Utah Taxpayers Association, we continue to drive the mission forward without apology and without hesitation. 

Those that have come before me know that once you are part of the Utah Taxpayers Association, you are always a part of it. Running such an effort is an honor and I have considered the ability to be a part of it as a rare privilege. 

With full confidence I know that the mission of the Utah Taxpayers Association will not skip a beat and remain – undaunted.