The Budget of the State of Utah for fiscal years 2023 and 2024 is 572 pages long – longer than Jane Eyre, Great Expectations, and Pride and Prejudice – and far less familiar than any of those classics. Each year, the Legislature appropriates billions of dollars to various operations and projects throughout the state – all of which are recorded in the budget – but it is difficult to follow up on how the money is spent and the results observed.
Thanks to the New Funding Follow-Up Report, presented in September to the Executive Associations Committee and developed by the Legislative Fiscal Analysts office, taxpayers and legislators will have greater transparency and recipients of state funding will have more accountability regarding appropriated funds.
The report lists 359 projects which received funding in 2023 and reports on how much of the appropriation has been spent, the extent to which the project has been implemented, and performance measures. Where appropriate, recommendations are made regarding leftover funds or further investigation.
For example, in the 2022 General Session, the Healthcare Workforce Initiative was passed which would provide “increased educational opportunities for incoming healthcare professionals in higher education programs”. $2 million in ongoing funds was appropriated for the project which was implemented – on schedule – in May 2023. However, due to start-up cost savings while the program was being implemented of $49,000, LFA recommends a one-time reduction in the appropriation. All of this information – as well as links to the appropriation in the COBI database – was easily accessible in the New Funding Follow-Up Report; a screenshot is shared below to demonstrate.

This valuable tool will facilitate financial prudence, maximize the value of dollars spent, and inform future budgeting decisions. Taxpayers throughout the state will benefit from the careful expenditure and analysis of state revenues as waste is minimized and excessive spending is curtailed. The Utah Taxpayers Association thanks the Legislative Fiscal Analyst office for this effective tool and welcomes this effort to make government appropriations more transparent.
This valuable tool will facilitate financial prudence, maximize the value of dollars spent, and inform future budgeting decisions. Taxpayers throughout the state will benefit from the careful expenditure and analysis of state revenues as waste is minimized and excessive spending is curtailed. The Utah Taxpayers Association thanks the Legislative Fiscal Analyst office for this effective tool and welcomes this effort to make government appropriations more transparent.