by Tax Watchdog | Jan 3, 2005 | 2005 Enterprise Articles
by Howard Stephenson The right of initiative and referendum is an important tool to safeguard the people’s ability to override unresponsive elected officials who, from time to time might ignore the will of the majority regarding a single issue. Twenty-five of...
by Tax Watchdog | Dec 27, 2004 | 2004 Enterprise Articles, Enterprise Articles
by Howard Stephenson Utah’s Business Climate ranks 26th among the 50 states according to the national Tax Foundation’s recent State Business Tax Climate Index. The study ranks the “business tax friendliness,” of each state using five factors: 1) Corporate Income...
by Tax Watchdog | Dec 20, 2004 | 2004 Enterprise Articles, Enterprise Articles
by Howard Stephenson Governor Walker’s 16 point tax reform plan was described in this column last week as containing several changes which the Utah business community has been seeking for many years. The most positive parts of the prosal include:...
by Tax Watchdog | Dec 13, 2004 | 2004 Enterprise Articles, Enterprise Articles
by Howard Stephenson Last week we reviewed in this column the details of Governor Olene Walker’s 16 point plan for revamping Utah’s tax structure. It may take some time for people to really understand it, but the more people look at it, the more they like...
by Tax Watchdog | Dec 6, 2004 | 2004 Enterprise Articles, Enterprise Articles
By Howard Stephenson Governor Olene Walker unveiled a comprehensive proposal to overhaul Utah ’s state and local tax system, with particular emphasis on lowering tax rates and broadening the tax base. The Governor has repeatedly emphasized that the proposal is revenue...
by Tax Watchdog | Nov 29, 2004 | 2004 Enterprise Articles, Enterprise Articles
By Howard Stephenson In the past two months three important tax cases were decided before the Utah State Tax Commission and the Utah Tax Court. All three of the cases were decided in favor of the Taxpayer. All three of the cases were decided in favor of the taxpayer....