Tax-Related November Ballot Questions

With fall quickly approaching, it’s time for voters to educate themselves about the variety of state and local ballot issues they’ll be voting on this November. Your Taxpayers Association is following Amendment A at the State level, and local ballot issues in Eagle...

Royce Van Tassell Leaving Taxpayers Association

By Howard Stephenson, Association President After seven years as vice president of the Utah Taxpayers Association, Royce Van Tassell has accepted a position as executive director of the Utah Association of Public Charter Schools. He will start that position full-time...

Uncertain Future for uNOpia Tax

UTOPIA/UIA Boards Divided Between Opt-In and Opt-Out Cities The past month has seen some big UTOPIA news in the popular press. But behind what’s hitting the papers, bigger issues are dividing the once united UTOPIA/UIA Boards. A clear wedge has developed between...

It’s Time for Utah to End K-12 Teacher Tenure

Utah is a pioneer in enacting education reforms that provide an economic return on our investment. Part of the reason is that our Legislature has limited the ability of teachers unions to manipulate the political system to the detriment of school children....