On Monday, January 11, 2021 at 9:00 a.m., the Utah Taxpayers Association will host the 2021 Legislative Outlook Conference at the Little America Hotel in downtown Salt Lake City. The event will also be livestreamed for those who do not wish to attend in person.
Each year, the Association hosts the top tax policymakers in the state who will preview the upcoming legislative session, and what issues taxpayers can expect to see. Many of these topics include priorities for the Association.
The Association’s top priority this year, we are focused on a tax cut for all Utahns, advocating for an income tax rate cut to 4.75%. The current rate is 4.95%. Why is this the right time? It’s been over a decade since the last meaningful cut. Small business owners, families and all taxpayers need relief from the ongoing pandemic.
We’ve crunched the numbers and found more than enough room in the budget for not only an income tax cut, but tax relief for seniors, military members, and families. Learn more about our proposal here.
In addition, Utah’s leaders will be providing context and their views of the 2021 Legislative Session. Newly sworn-in Lt. Governor Deidre Henderson will provide the new administration’s priorities regarding tax policy, and both President Stuart Adams and Speaker Brad Wilson will look at what they see from their respective bodies.
Attendees will also learn more about how recently passed Amendment G will protect education funding. Amendment G opened Utah’s income tax revenue to be used beyond education expenses. Critics felt that the amendment and its companion legislation (HB 357) would harm education, but Sen. Ann Millner will provide the plans and hard data to show why voters made the right choice, not only for public education, but for Utah’s general fund revenue and expenses.
We’ll be pleased to hear from many others on the cutting edge of setting Utah’s tax policy, including both chairs of the Revenue and Taxation committees, Dan Hemmert of the new Cox administration’s Governor’s Office of Economic Development, and our state Auditor John Dougall on tax reform efforts from a decade ago.
The event is free, but attendees will need to RSVP to attend or receive the livestream information. Click here to get registered.