Each month, the Utah Taxpayers Association releases a newsletter. This newsletter features the latest tax news from across the state. From the Capitol, city halls, county commissions, and the nation, we’ve got you covered.

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June 2024 Newsletter

Another State Leaving Utah In The Dust On Tax Relief – Iowa With More Than $2 Billion in Relief – Legislators Should Pay Attention
2024 Budget Season
The Truth about Truth in Taxation
-Association Accomplishments in May

May 2024 Newsletter

After the State Nationwide Tax Cut
No Surprises, but Plenty of Ideas, in Legislative Auditor’s Report
The Greatest Snow on Earth Brings Billions
The Danger of Complacency with 17 Years in a Row at Top of ALEC Ranking
2024 Beehive Family Report Summary
-Association Accomplishments in April

April 2024 Newsletter

Why Utah’s Income Tax Cut is a Win for All
Offer Ends Soon! Act Now!
Biden’s Budget Proposal for 2025 – In With the Tax Hikes and Out With the Common Sense!
Is the Fairpark Project Fair?
Voting with their Feet – Migration Statistics and State Taxes
-Association Accomplishments in March

March 2024 Newsletter

Sine Die – 2024 Legislative Session Roundup
The Flat Tax Revolution
New Fiscal Year Revenue Estimates Released for FY 2025, Teeing Up Another Conversation On Lower Taxes
The Path to 0% Income Tax
-Association Accomplishments in February

February 2024 Newsletter

2024 Legislative Priorities
The Trend Continues: Americans Flock to Low-Tax States
Bipartisan Tax Bill Proposes the Reinstatement of Key TCJA Elements
-Association Accomplishments in January

January 2024 Newsletter

Socks and Underwear for Christmas – Time to Cut the State Budget
New Year, New Ranking? Other States Chasing Utah out of #1 Spot
The Cost of Connection: Cell Phone Taxes
-Association Accomplishments in December

December 2023 Newsletter

Time to Recalibrate on Education Spending
Money Talks, and It Says, “Leave California
Post-Pandemic, How High are State and Local Taxes in Utah and the Nation?
Herriman Makes the Right Decision and Concedes: Municipal-Owned Fiber Proposal Is Economically Unfeasible
Utah Taxpayers Association Pledge Effort Gains Momentum
November 2023 Bond Election Results – Taxpayers Say No to More Big Bonds
-Association Accomplishments in November

November 2023 Newsletter

Time to Cool the Jets – Cut the State Budget
Taxpayer Alert – 2023 Bond Issues on the Ballot
Calendar Year Truth in Taxation Hearings
-Association Accomplishments in October

October 2023 Newsletter

Utah Taxpayers Association Launches Statewide Pledge
New Funding Follow-Up Report from LFA Promises More Accountability
How Utah Compares Report Reveals Surprising Result
-Association Accomplishments in September

September 2023 Newsletter

Sales Taxes, Just Like Ogres, “Are Like Onions”
Billions More in Taxes is a Loss, Not a Gain, for California
Pain at the Pump, But the Gas Tax is Still Needed
-Association Accomplishments in August

August 2023 Newsletter

“Holding the Rate” is Raising Taxes
State Auditor Releases Valuable Tool for Property Taxpayers in Utah
Inflation isn’t Raising Your Taxes – Cities Are
Utah’s Congressman Moore, Ways and Means Committee Forward Tax Relief out of Committee
UDOT Issues Record of Decision on Gondola
-Association Accomplishments in July

July 2023 Newsletter

Utah Taxpayers Association Kicks Off Signature Gathering in Bountiful To Force Vote On Fiber Debt
Central Utah Water Conservation District Hikes Taxes For the 7th Year in a Row
Those Who Use the Roads Should Pay for Them
Calls for Bad Ideas Like A Carbon Tax Ignore the Real Problem With Rising Energy Costs – Permitting Reform
-Your Association Accomplishments in June

June 2023 Newsletter

Sound the Alarms – Taxpayers Be Warned – A Bad Pandora’s Box Opened – Transportation Utility Fee
Eliminate the State Corporate Income Tax
Affordable Housing Isn’t an Excuse to Raise Taxes
Iowa Passes Truth In Taxation Modeled After Utah’s Gold Standard Property Tax Law
-Your Association Accomplishments in May

May 2023 Newsletter

Utah Ranked #1 For Best Economic Outlook For the 16th Year In A Row
What Arizona Gets Right
Another Budget Surplus? Revenues Stay Strong, However April Final Tax Payments Will Be the Key
New Report On Social Security Confirms Insolvency In 11 Years – “Not Touching Social Security” Is Sham Of A Political Position
-Your Association Accomplishments in April

April 2023 Newsletter

Bad Ideas In A Budget – Biden’s 2024 Budget Proposal Contains Almost $4.7 Trillion in Tax Hikes
Grover Norquist and Rusty Cannon: Removing earmark on income tax would be a win for Utah
The Case Against Individual Tax Credits
The Importance of 60%
-Your Association Accomplishments in March

March 2023 Newsletter

Tax Cuts and Major Milestones for Utah’s Legislators – 2023 General Session Summary
Legislature Sets Upcoming Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 – Adds Over $1 Billion In Ongoing Spending and Over $4 Billion In One Time Spending
Utah’s Tax Policy Response To Inflation
-Your Association Accomplishments in February

February 2023 Newsletter

Once Again, the Data Shows the Claim “The Rich Don’t Pay their Fair Share of Taxes” is Still One Big Fat Lie
Spending the Surplus?
SJR 1- Interim Property Tax Bill Moving Utah Down the Wrong Path
Taxpayers in Utah Score Big Win – Congressman Blake Moore Elected to Powerful Ways and Means Committee
Moving the Salt Lake Bees Ballpark
-Your Association Accomplishments in January

January 2023 Newsletter
100 Years of the Utah Taxpayer Newsletter
As 2023 Legislative Efforts Begin – Utah Taxpayers Association Takes a Position on ESG
Legislative Session 101: A Guide
-Your Association Accomplishments in December

December 2022 Newsletter
Upcoming Budget Surplus Continues to Swell – Past our Predicted $3 Billion and Counting
Little Cottonwood Canyon Gondola – The Best Alternative for Taxpayers
UAMPS Small Modular Nuclear Reactor Program Backed by Municipal Power Companies Continues to Falter
Congress Needs to Wake up to Taxpayers’ Largest Tax Burden – Social Security – It is Reaching a Breaking Point
Howard Stephenson and Mark Buchi Interview
-Your Association Accomplishments in November

November 2022 Newsletter
New Fiscal Year First Quarter Revenue Collections Are Out – An Even Bigger Surplus Than Previously Forecasted On the Horizon
The Risks of Doing Tax Policy on the Ballot
California’s Governor Newsom Ditches Common Sense On Gas Prices and Taxes – Gets an Economics 101 Lesson
Utah 8th in State Business Tax Climate Index – How Can We Improve?
-Your Association Accomplishments in October

October 2022 Newsletter

Utah Property Tax Law in the Spotlight: After Kansas Copies Utah in 2021, Nebraska Kicks off Truth in Taxation in 2022, Iowa Set to Follow
Heads Up: Even with a Surplus a Gas Tax Increase of 14% is Coming January 1, 2023
Alpine School District Proposes a Staggering Amount of Bonds to Issue – $595 Million, While Orem Proposes to Split From the District
Legislative Audit Uncovers Problems with Tax Increment Financing in Utah
-Your Association Accomplishments in September

September 2022 Newsletter

Memo to Governor Cox and the Utah Legislature: Idaho’s Governor Little and Legislature Listened and Led the Way- So Should You
California Drives Off the Cliff With EVs in 2035, Colorado Hammers Residents With a $750 Million “Delivery Fee” For Transportation Funding – Where Does Utah Stand?
St. George City Council and Tooele School Board Vote Down Tax Increases, Others Taper A Bit, and Most Forge Ahead With Tax Hikes
Utah Taxpayers Association Hires New Vice President
-Your Association Accomplishments in August

August 2022 Newsletter

UTOPIA Used Misleading Statements According To Utah State Auditor
Like A Broken Record – Utah Has Another Massive Surplus of $1.4 Billion – Taxpayers Deserve Meaningful Relief – Simple Simple Math Shows the Way
Demystifying Utah’s Property Tax Law and Why We Have the Best Property Tax Laws In the Nation
-Your Association Accomplishments in July

July 2022 Newsletter

Arizona Blowing Utah Out of the Water On Lower Taxes and Spending Policy
Primary Election Results – Many New Faces Coming To Utah’s House and Senate
-Your Association Accomplishments in June

June 2022 Newsletter

Even After Previous Failures, American Fork City Council Gambling $30 million of Taxpayer Funds on Government Owned Fiber Network
Worried About Californian’s Bringing Crazy Ideas To Utah? You Should Be. CalTax Report Highlights the Insane Asylum Known As the California Legislature
Salt Lake City Taxpayers Will Need To Speak Up – Or Get Used To It. Bloated Salt Lake City Government Becomes Even More Bloated With What Has Become A Common Occurrence – A Property Tax Hike
Latest Revenue Numbers Make It Abundantly Clear: The Right Decision For Utah Is Cutting Taxes for 2023 Now – Not More Spending
-Your Association Accomplishments in May

May 2022 Newsletter

As FY 2022 Nears An End, Revenue Numbers Give Plenty Of Reasons to Provide Additional Tax Relief
Massive Tax Incentive In the Works For New Daybreak DevelopmentFamily
New Association Report Details Tax Burden of Typical Utah
-Your Association Accomplishments in April

April 2022 Newsletter

Two Critical Steps the Utah Legislature Can Take Now To Address Inflation
Big Tax Cuts In Other States Dwarf Utah’s Efforts So Far
– Tips For Fighting Proposed Tax Increases Under Inflation
– Your Association Accomplishments in April

March 2022 Newsletter

– Legislature Provides Some Tax Relief and Acts On Other Statewide Measures Affecting Taxpayers
– Previewing the Utah Taxpayers Association Annual “Pork Barrel” Report: A Deep Look Into Government Spending In Utah
– American Fork City Explores (Again) the Possibility of Municipal Fiber
– Utah Taxpayers Association 100 Year Anniversary Honored By Utah Legislature
Increase In Property Tax Values and Federal Funding Drastically Change Public Education Expenditures in FY 2021
-Your Association Accomplishments in March

February 2022 Newsletter

Legislature Kicks off 2022 Session, Income Tax Cut Moving Quickly Through the Process
Cannon’s Canon: Legislature Can Be Prudent and Still Deliver Meaningful Relief to Taxpayers
Tax Commission Commends Taxpayers Association on its 100 Year Anniversary
Op-ed: Utah Shouldn’t Allow its Neighbors to Outcompete it on Tax Cuts
– Your Association Accomplishments in January

January 2022 Newsletter

Utah Taxpayers Association Celebrates 100 Year Anniversary, Founded in 1922
Calls for Tax Cuts Increase, Other Legislative Priorities are Unveiled for 2022
– Utah’s Tax and Fee Burden Continues to Climb
– Cox’s Budget Recommends $160 Million Tax Cut
– Your Association Accomplishments in December