2016 Utah Taxes Now Conference Agenda
Sponsored By: Utah Taxpayers Association, WCF Insurance, and Chevron
Thursday, May 16th, 2016
Grand America Hotel
WiFi: GAET Password: Grand2016
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7:30 Registration/Continental Breakfast
8:00 Welcome
Mike Edmonds, Chairman, Utah Taxpayers Association
8:05 View from the House: Taxes and Spending AUDIO
House Speaker Greg Hughes
Senator Stuart Adams PRESENTATION
Representative Timothy Hawkes
8:40 Addressing the Remote Sales Tax Challenge (HB 235)
Dave Davis, Utah Retail Merchants Association AUDIO
Commissioner John Valentine
9:20 Utah 2.0 – Ensuring Utah’s Economic Viability Through Tax Reform and Workforce Alignment (HB 61, HB 180, SB 103, SB 131)
Senator Ann Millner AUDIO
9:50 Education Funding Equalization: Can Utah Achieve Equal Funding for Every Student? (SB 38, HB 272)
Representative Joel Briscoe AUDIO
Representative Steve Eliason AUDIO
Jennifer Condie, Utah State Tax Commission’s Property Tax Division PRESENTATION
10:20 Break – Sponsored by Autoliv
Representative Jim Dunnigan PRESENTATION
10:40 Removing the 1/2 Cent Sales Tax Option for the City Receiving the New State Prison (SB 180) AUDIO
Senator Lyle Hillyard
Gary Hansen, Zions Bank
11:05 Should Special Service Districts be able to Tax Without Representation? (SB 235)
Senator Lincoln Fillmore AUDIO
LeGrand Bitter, Utah Association of Special Districts AUDIO
11:20 Removing Tax Earmarks from the State Budget
Representative Brian King AUDIO
Curtis Trader, Chair, Utah Tax Review Commission AUDIO
Representative Dan McCay
Senate President Wanye Niederhauser
12:00 p.m. Luncheon: Awards in the Grand Ballroom
Taxpayer Advocate of the Year
Salt Lake County Councilmember Richard Snelgrove
Representative Dan McCay
Luncheon Speakers: Candidates for Utah Governor – Responses to Utah 2.0 and Streamlined Sales Tax Proposal
Jonathan Johnson AUDIO
Mike Weinholtz AUDIO
Gary Herbert AUDIO