2016 Utah Taxes Now Conference Agenda
Sponsored By: Utah Taxpayers Association, WCF Insurance, and Chevron
Thursday, May 16th, 2016
Grand America Hotel


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7:30 Registration/Continental Breakfast


8:00 Welcome
Mike Edmonds, Chairman, Utah Taxpayers Association


8:05 View from the House: Taxes and Spending AUDIO
House Speaker Greg Hughes


8:20 Planning and Funding for Utah’s Future Water Needs (SB 28, SB 80, SB 251) AUDIO
Senator Stuart Adams PRESENTATION
Representative Timothy Hawkes


8:40 Addressing the Remote Sales Tax Challenge (HB 235)
Natalie Martins, TwoWhellingTots.com PRESENTATION and AUDIO
Dave Davis, Utah Retail Merchants Association AUDIO


9:00 Report from the Tax Commission AUDIO
Commissioner John Valentine


Representative Brad Wilson PRESENTATION and AUDIO
Representative John Knotwell PRESENTATION and AUDIO
Senator Ann Millner AUDIO


9:50 Education Funding Equalization: Can Utah Achieve Equal Funding for Every Student? (SB 38, HB 272)
Senator Lincoln Fillmore PRESENTATION and AUDIO
Representative Joel Briscoe AUDIO
Representative Steve Eliason AUDIO


10:10 Impacts of SB 38 to the Property Tax Notice AUDIO
Jennifer Condie, Utah State Tax Commission’s Property Tax Division PRESENTATION


10:20 Break – Sponsored by Autoliv


10:30 Fiscally Responsible Medicaid Expansion (HB 437) AUDIO
Representative Jim Dunnigan PRESENTATION


10:40 Removing the 1/2 Cent Sales Tax Option for the City Receiving the New State Prison (SB 180) AUDIO
Senator Lyle Hillyard


10:50 Should the Federal Government be Allowed to Tax Interest on Municipal Bonds? AUDIO
Gary Hansen, Zions Bank


11:05 Should Special Service Districts be able to Tax Without Representation? (SB 235)
Senator Lincoln Fillmore AUDIO
LeGrand Bitter, Utah Association of Special Districts AUDIO


11:20 Removing Tax Earmarks from the State Budget
Representative Brian King AUDIO
Curtis Trader, Chair, Utah Tax Review Commission AUDIO


11:35 Halting Automatic Property Tax Hikes (HB 25) AUDIO
Representative Dan McCay


11:45 View from the Senate: Taxes and Spending AUDIO
Senate President Wanye Niederhauser


12:00 p.m. Luncheon: Awards in the Grand Ballroom
Taxpayer Advocate of the Year
Salt Lake County Councilmember Richard Snelgrove
Representative Dan McCay


Luncheon Speakers: Candidates for Utah Governor – Responses to Utah 2.0 and Streamlined Sales Tax Proposal
Jonathan Johnson AUDIO
Mike Weinholtz AUDIO
Gary Herbert AUDIO


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